Warts et al #8
Warts et al #8

2023 New years Cover illustration by Luke Dickey

Dan gets bit
Dan gets bit

Illustration by Joaquin Varela

Devil and the bottle #1
Devil and the bottle #1

Illustration by Daniel Jamieson

Lowland Tapirtaur
Lowland Tapirtaur

Illustration by Luke Dickey

Peonies, service berry, and backyard visitors
Peonies, service berry, and backyard visitors

Original was a gift to my mom. It’s the third in a series of bird flash pages I’ve made for her. Illustration by Daniel Jamieson

Devil and the bottle #2
Devil and the bottle #2

Illustration by Daniel Jamieson

 Illustration by Joaquin Varela

Illustration by Joaquin Varela

Frog Ford
Frog Ford

Comic by Joaquin Varela

Falcon display
Falcon display

Illustration by Daniel Jamieson

Unicorn Tapir
Unicorn Tapir

Illustration by Luke Dickey

Dinosaur splash page
Dinosaur splash page

Illustrations by Luke Dickey

Devil and the bottle #3
Devil and the bottle #3

Illustration by Daniel Jamieson

Cleo and prey
Cleo and prey

Joaquin Varela contact page

 Author photo for Luke Dickey

Author photo for Luke Dickey

 Contact page for Daniel Jamieson

Contact page for Daniel Jamieson

Colour these creatures
Colour these creatures

Illustrations by Daniel Jamieson

Warts et al #8
Dan gets bit
Devil and the bottle #1
Lowland Tapirtaur
Peonies, service berry, and backyard visitors
Devil and the bottle #2
 Illustration by Joaquin Varela
Frog Ford
Falcon display
Unicorn Tapir
Dinosaur splash page
Devil and the bottle #3
Cleo and prey
 Author photo for Luke Dickey
 Contact page for Daniel Jamieson
Colour these creatures
Warts et al #8

2023 New years Cover illustration by Luke Dickey

Dan gets bit

Illustration by Joaquin Varela

Devil and the bottle #1

Illustration by Daniel Jamieson

Lowland Tapirtaur

Illustration by Luke Dickey

Peonies, service berry, and backyard visitors

Original was a gift to my mom. It’s the third in a series of bird flash pages I’ve made for her. Illustration by Daniel Jamieson

Devil and the bottle #2

Illustration by Daniel Jamieson

Illustration by Joaquin Varela

Frog Ford

Comic by Joaquin Varela

Falcon display

Illustration by Daniel Jamieson

Unicorn Tapir

Illustration by Luke Dickey

Dinosaur splash page

Illustrations by Luke Dickey

Devil and the bottle #3

Illustration by Daniel Jamieson

Cleo and prey

Joaquin Varela contact page

Author photo for Luke Dickey

Contact page for Daniel Jamieson

Colour these creatures

Illustrations by Daniel Jamieson

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